

Templates are git repositories whose files can contain placeholders. A placeholder can be seen as a variable that is substituted by another value upon expansion of the template.

cargo-generate supports both builtin variables/placeholders and custom defined ones.

Additionally, all filters and tags of the liquid template language are supported. For more information, check out the Liquid Documentation on Tags and Filters.

You can use those placeholders in the file and directory names of the generated project. For example, for a project named awesome, the filename {{project_name}}/{{project_name}}.rs will be transformed to awesome/awesome.rs during generation. Only files that are not listed in the exclude settings will be templated.

⚠️ NOTE: invalid characters for a filename or directory name will be sanitized after template substitution. Invalid is e.g. / or \.

⚠️ Deprecated in favor of using ignore in cargo-generate.toml

You can also add a .genignore file to your template. The files listed in the .genignore file will be removed from the local machine when cargo-generate is run on the end user's machine. The .genignore file is always ignored, so there is no need to list it in the .genignore file.

Additional liquid filters

Following are filters that cargo-generate expands the liquid language with.

  • rhai

    Tries to run the argument as a rhai script. Whatever the script returns will be the output of the filter.

    Example Liquid:

    Here we try to run a rhai script: {{"script_name.rhai" | rhai}}

    ⚠️ NOTE: Liquid does not support failing filters, thus if the script fails for any reason, cargo-generate will simply print a warning message to stderr, and Liquid will leave the substitution in its original form.

  • kebab_case

    "We are going to inherit the earth." => "we-are-going-to-inherit-the-earth"

  • lower_camel_case

    "It is we who built these palaces and cities." => "itIsWeWhoBuiltThesePalacesAndCities"

  • pascal_case

    Same as upper_camel_case

  • shouty_kebab_case

    "We are going to inherit the earth." => "WE-ARE-GOING-TO-INHERIT-THE-EARTH"

  • shouty_snake_case

    "That world is growing in this minute." => "THAT_WORLD_IS_GROWING_IN_THIS_MINUTE"

  • snake_case

    "We carry a new world here, in our hearts." => "we_carry_a_new_world_here_in_our_hearts"

  • title_case

    "We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall." => "We Have Always Lived In Slums And Holes In The Wall"

  • upper_camel_case

    "We are not in the least afraid of ruins." => "WeAreNotInTheLeastAfraidOfRuins"

Templates by the community

It's encouraged to classify your template repository with a GitHub topic labeled cargo-generate.

So that every developer can find the template via cargo-generate topic on GitHub.

If you have a great template, please tag your repository with the topic and tweet about it by including the hashtag #cargogenerate (since twitter does not support hashtags with -).

⚠️ Note: the list of currently available templates is still available, but is now deprecated.

Example for --bin and --lib

A template could be prepared in a way to act as a binary or a library. For example the Cargo.toml might look like:

# the usual stuff

{% if crate_type == "bin" %}
structopt = "0.3.21"
{% endif %}
# other general dependencies

{% if crate_type == "bin" %}
path = "src/main.rs"
name = "{{crate_name}}-cli"
{% endif %}

Now a user of this template could decide weather they want the binary version by passing --bin or use only the library version by passing --lib as a command line argument.