Template Defined Placeholders

Template defined placeholders offer a powerful way for template authors to customize project templates and streamline project creation. In addition to defining placeholders directly within template files, users can also define placeholders in the cargo-generate.toml file, providing additional flexibility and customization options.

Defining Placeholders in cargo-generate.toml

To define placeholders in the cargo-generate.toml file, template authors can specify them under the placeholders section using the following syntax:

placeholder_name = { prompt = "Enter your name", choices = ["Alice", "Bob"], default = "Alice", type = "string" }
  • placeholder_name: The name of the placeholder.
  • prompt: The prompt message displayed to the user during project creation.
  • choices (optional): A list of predefined choices for the placeholder value.
  • default (optional): The default value for the placeholder if no user input is provided.
  • regex (optional and only for string-like types): The entered value is validated against this regex.
  • type: The data type of the placeholder value (see Supported Types).

Prompt, Choices, and Default Values

  • Prompt: With the prompt will be displayed it to the user during project creation, prompting them to provide a value for the placeholder.
  • Choices: If choices are specified, cargo-generate will present them as options to the user, restricting the input to the predefined choices and provide more convenience.
  • Default Value: If a default value is provided and the user does not provide input, cargo-generate will use the default value for the placeholder.

Supported Types

cargo-generate supports the following placeholder value types:

  • "string": Represents a string value.
  • "text": Represents a multiline string value. (terminated by hitting CTRL-D)
  • "editor": Represents a multiline string value, collected from the user by a real terminal editor.
  • "bool": Represents a boolean value (true or false).

Available since version 0.23.0

  • "array": Represents an array of strings (["a","b","c"])


Consider the following cargo-generate.toml file:

project_name = { prompt = "Enter project name", default = "my_project", type = "string" }
environment = { prompt = "Which environment?", choices = ["dev", "prod"], default = "dev", type = "string"}
features = { prompt = "Include features?", choices = ["serde", "logging"], default = ["serde"], type = "array"}
use_git = { prompt = "Initialize Git repository?", default = true, type = "bool" }
phone_number = { prompt = "What's your phone number?", type = "string", regex = "^[0-9]+$" }

During project creation, cargo-generate will prompt the user to provide values for project_name, use_git and phone_number using the specified prompts, choices, and default values.

Further phone_number is validated against the provided regex, hence it can only contain digits.


Template defined placeholders, defined in the cargo-generate.toml configuration file, offer powerful customization options for project templates. By specifying prompts, choices, default values, and supported types, template authors can create intuitive and flexible project scaffolding experiences, enhancing developer productivity and project consistency.

Default values for placeholders

For automation purposes the user of the template may provide the values for the keys in the template using one or more of the following methods.

The methods are listed by falling priority.

--define or -d flag

The user may specify variables individually using the --define flag.

cargo generate template-above -n project-name -d hypervisor=qemu -d network_enabled=true

--template_values_file flag

The user of the template may provide a file containing the values for the keys in the template by using the --template-values-file flag.

⚠️ NOTE: A relative path will be relative to current working dir, which is not inside the expanding template!

hypervisor = "qemu"
network_enabled = true

Individual values via environment variables

Variables may be specified using environment variables. To do so, set the env var CARGO_GENERATE_VALUE_<variable key> to the desired value.

cargo generate template-above

⚠️ Windows does not support mixed case environment variables. Internally, cargo-generate will ensure the variable name is all lowercase. For that reason, it is strongly recommended that template authors only use lowercase variable/placeholder names.

Template values file via environment variable

The user may use the environment variable CARGO_GENERATE_TEMPLATE_VALUES to specify a file with default values.

For the file format, see above.

Default values

Default values may be specified in the config file (specified with the --config flag, or in the default config file $CARGO_HOME/cargo-generate)

Example config file:

placeholder1 = "default value"

git = "https://github.com/username-on-github/mytemplate.git"

placeholder1 = "default value overriding the default"
placeholder2 = "default value for favorite"

Further examples

You can find further examples in the example-templates folder you will find further examples that provide some template provided placeholders.